🎉Happy Calendar New Year! 🎉

I hope you guys have left that “New Year, New Me” stuff in 2018. Last year, I suggested that you make a list of “promises” to yourself as opposed to New Year’s Resolutions. This list should include ALL OF YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS for your LIFE. And of course, as we are dynamic creatures, this running list can change, so don’t be afraid to erase things or add things. Most importantly, do NOT put a DEADLINE on this list. For most, putting a limit on such important things will cause anxiety, impose unhealthy pressure and set yourself up for disappointment. (FYI I am still working on the same list that I started last year, and it doesn’t bother me at all.)
Furthermore, everyday, before you close your eyes to sleep, you should reflect upon your day and yourself, and think about how you can make things better the following day. You should not🙅wait for a certain day on the calendar to start working on the best version of yourself, you deserve to be the best version of yourself ASAP! Moreover, there are still people on this earth who do not have the slightest idea about what a calendar is, but they work hard daily to survive and possibly thrive. So why should certain days on the calendar hold so much power in our lives? 
Always remember, it’s YOUR LIFE and YOUR PACE. Do things at a pace that is suitable and comfortable FOR YOU! You are the ONLY person in this universe who truly understands what it’s like being you. Only you truly knows what you are capable of and what you can handle. You want that university degree, but you know that you can’t finish it in 3 years, so what? Just do it! Would you feel better not having tried at all? Or wouldn’t it feel great to look at that degree on your wall, even if it took you 7 years? You are dating someone, and you both KNOW that you have found “the one”, so you want to get married after 3 months, but you hesitate because society will tell you that “it’s too fast”? To hell with what people think; focus on what your heart tells you. If you constantly live your life for others, and don’t do what makes you happy, you will end up being a miserable person.
For 2019, make sure that YOU set the momentum for your life, and don’t let any external factors drastically influence it.
Happy Calendar New Year!
God Bless You All! 🙏🙌