Now that the kiddies have gone back to school, and most of us have gone back out to work, life seems to be quieting down again… So I have time to make my official “2018 New Year Post”! LOL
As we all know, because we see it on social media, as soon as the new year approaches, we see 2 types of posts:
1). The “New Year, New Me!” post.
2). People asking or Telling the world what their new year’s resolutions are…
Because we are on social media, and we see these posts all of the time, it almost comes natural to regurgitate similar posts…
However, although I have jumped on that bandwagon many times in the past, in the recent years, I try not to do these things because when I really think about it, these concepts are really not a part of my reality… Let me try to explain:
  • “New Year New me”? So a new year rolls around and “pouf” I’m a new person? Or this desire to be a “new me” only comes around when  a new calendar year is approaching? Really? No, not really…I’m a work in progress…I’m dynamic (being static/stagnant drives me crazy)… Everyday, I challenge myself to be a better version of the woman I was the day before! Everyday, is a new me. So I am certainly not waiting until January 1st to be a better person! Self-amelioration is an ongoing process for me…

You know what I envision when someone says “New year, new me?” I picture this beautiful painting, that keeps on getting better with every stroke that the artist takes, but as soon as January 1st hits, the painter pushes this beautiful painting aside (although it is not finished), and starts painting on a “new”/blank canvas… This is absurd right? Exactly…

 So no more “New year, new me!” people…

  • I don’t do “new year’s resolutions” for almost similar reasons as to why I don’t say “new year, new me” (for me, it is not sensible). How many people have actually accomplished the previous year’s resolutions, before declaring their new resolutions? If people are anything like myself, I’m sure the minority accomplishes all of their resolutions in one year.

Let me be honest with you, about two years ago, I made “promises” to myself (which were personal goals): these promises are not just in my head, or in a diary, I typed them up on my computer, printed them up, and stuck them up in places in my house that I often pass… You guys know I’m a “makeup junkie” right? Well, I have a copy of my promises next to the mirror where I do my makeup everyday…

So because the promises were written by me, printed on paper, and put up around my house: I committed to these promises; I held myself accountable because I treated it like a contract…There’s just something that makes things more real, and binding when they are written down on paper (read my IG post about the importance of writing things down)…

I did not put a “deadline” on this list, because for me, deadlines create too much pressure, pressure creates stress, and I am not productive when I’m stressed.

Here is a picture of my list of promises to myself (the one that is in my bedroom room):

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions… I have made promises to myself that I am going to keep…

So I’ve been trying to fulfill the promises to myself for over 2 years now… I don’t add to this list, I continue to work at this list… When every item on this list is accomplished, I will reassess my life, and see if there are any other promises that I should make to myself…I’m honestly not doing too bad, I have accomplished a lot of this list…
So what did I want you to take away from all of this?
  1. Choose your words wisely, and think about if what you are declaring is sensible/realistic: declaring unrealistic goals is just a set-up for disappointment, and for most of us, when we are disappointed in ourselves, it slows down our productivity…
  2. Challenge yourself daily, to be a better version of yourself (do it bit by bit): tell yourself “New day, better me!” If you do this, by the time the new year comes around you will be drastically different from the person who you were 365 days ago.
  3. Make promises to yourself (not resolutions), write them down, and don’t set a deadline to fulfill your promises: take your time…Don’t make this a stressful process, make it a beautiful journey! Enjoy life,  enjoy fulfilling your promises to yourself and enjoy making yourself happy!
  4. On January 1st, just be happy and grateful that the world lasted another year,  there was no global meltdown, nor did the “Y2K-glitch” finally catch up to us.
Have yourself an awesome day! I will see the “new” you tomorrow! LOL
