Salutations Everyone!

Sabi Kamilah Strong-Hinkson here! I’m so excited to share this news with you… Well, the end of summer is here, and with the end of summer, comes the beginning of a new school year! We are excited to announce that we will be offering an online mentoring program for single-parent-scholars!

Why “online” you ask? Well, in the past we have offered various workshops and while many single-parent-scholars eagerly signed up, the attendance was very poor. The attendance was poor NOT because the individuals who signed up didn’t want the information, it’s simply due to their reality: juggling being a single-parent and a student is time-consuming and tiring! Free-time is either non-existent or minimal! And by the time they’ve completed their responsibilities as a parent and student, they are either too exhausted, or it’s too late, to attend events.  With this being said, we figured that if we could get a team of educated and professional individuals together, who would be willing to be a part of a Facebook group, we could bring the information to them (the single-parent-scholars), and they can access it whenever they need it and whenever they have the time.

We have a diverse team of mentors, knowledgeable in many different areas, ready to guide and support single-parent-scholars:

At some point in my life, every one of these mentors has inspired me, and it is an honor and a blessing to have them on our team. Not one of them hesitated to jump on board and support my vision! From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank them!

When anyone signs up on The SHO network, whether it be as a mentor, volunteer, single-parent-scholar, or a business supporting single-parent-scholars, they become a part of The SHO’s Family…And The SHO’s Family Room, is a “place” where we work together to support, motivate and encourage our single-parent-scholars…

World, I would like to officially launch & present to you our “Family Room“: